Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

My name is AKRAM ESAAIDI, and my portfolio is a representation of all that I've learned and accomplished as a programer.


Git Engine

While building it I've learned many advanced React & JavaScript topics, It was my first react project, as well as how to use Stripe for card transactions. On top of that.

  • React


This is a code repository for the corresponding project. In this one, we're going to build and deploy a web site memories using React and Node.

  • React
  • Node
  • MongoDB

DataTable (BackOffice)

This is a code repository for the corresponding project. In this one, we're going to build an application desktop to controle the frontOffice (CHU) using ElectronJs and NodeJs.

  • Electron
  • Node
  • Mysql

CHU (FrontOffice)

This is a code repository for the corresponding project. In this one, we're going to build and deploy a web site CHU using React, Node and MySqlDB .

  • React
  • Node
  • Mysql


I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React.js And Electron.js
    And Angular.js

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node, Express And Java, Spring Boot
    And Django

  • Data Base

    Experience with
    MySQL, PostgreSQL And Oracle

About Me

The purpose of learning JavaScript is to help aspiring and established and build awesome apps.

Innovating one project at a time