Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio
My name is AKRAM ESAAIDI, and my portfolio is a representation of all that I've learned and accomplished as a programer.
Git Engine
While building it I've learned many advanced React & JavaScript topics, It was my first react project, as well as how to use Stripe for card transactions. On top of that.
- React
This is a code repository for the corresponding project. In this one, we're going to build and deploy a web site memories using React and Node.
- React
- Node
- MongoDB
DataTable (BackOffice)
This is a code repository for the corresponding project. In this one, we're going to build an application desktop to controle the frontOffice (CHU) using ElectronJs and NodeJs.
- Electron
- Node
- Mysql
CHU (FrontOffice)
This is a code repository for the corresponding project. In this one, we're going to build and deploy a web site CHU using React, Node and MySqlDB .
- React
- Node
- Mysql
I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world.
Experience with
React.js And Electron.js
And Angular.jsBack-End
Experience with
Node, Express And Java, Spring Boot
And DjangoData Base
Experience with
MySQL, PostgreSQL And Oracle
About Me
The purpose of learning JavaScript is to help aspiring and established and build awesome apps.
Started my journey
Started my first project
Getting my diploma at usmba
Coming soon...